Extended Stay is available for all children in the Weekday School
Early Stay begins as early as 7:30 am.
During this early morning time, children are not necessarily in their regular classroom, but are combined with similar aged children and loving, caring adults. At 8:45, the children all begin their regular school day within their regular Weekday School classrooms.
$6.00/hour church members
$6.50/hour non-church members
Extended Care refers to the time of day between 1:00 and 4:00 pm.
The children have nap or rest time, depending on the age group, until 3:00 pm. When the children rise from their naps or rest time, they enjoy a snack and a drink with their classmates. The children then enjoy playtime with their friends and are always outside getting as much fresh air as possible during this time.
$6.00/hour church members
$6.50/hour non-church members